Hardwood floors are an investment at least as much as they are a pleasure.

Yes, the solid, warm feel of the real wood beneath your feet is irreplaceable. Laminate or lino just doesn’t feel the same. And the way it looks. The depth of color and shine, the incredible variety of styles, the way it brings up that Persian rug. How it grows old with you, giving your home a steady presence in the midst of the normal changes a home undergoes in its life. You look at your wooden floor and almost see your young children playing on it, a beloved cat, or a dog napping on a patch of sunshine… nobody can deny there is something very special about real hardwood floors.

And then there is the practical aspect of it, how it outlasts every other flooring material, how with a refinish you can bring it back to brand new, or how, if change is your thing, you can change its shade and shine with a new coat.

But there is also another aspect to hardwood floors, which is the way in which it adds value to your home.

Let’s face it: as much as we love our homes, we are not our like great grandparents that look at theirs and saw permanence, a home even for the future generations. Today, whether we like it or not, there is a big investment component to a house that guides and informs many of our decisions.

Hardwood floors are sought after. They often give a house in the market an edge over others which might be alike in other respects. In this light, they have a say on price and sale-ability.

If you are thinking about redoing all or part of the flooring in your home, you would do well to consider this: as a long term investment, hardwood floors beat all other flooring materials. They last longer, offer more flexibility of style and appreciate the value of your home.

And United Floors in Victoria have just the right hardwood flooring for you, as well as the experts that can guide you every step of the way!

Made In Canada

Red maple leaf symbol of Canada.

Want to keep your purchase close to home? Beaulieu’s flooring is designed and manufactured right here in Canada. Come down in person to see what we have available.